Personal data processing information

Pursuant to Articles 23 and 24 of the Law on Personal Data Protection (“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 87/2018) and the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter: GDPR) in connection with collecting personal data when ordering and purchasing products that EUCOM Ltd. production, trade and services company, New Belgrade (hereinafter: the Operator) sells on the website (hereinafter: the website), EUCOM Ltd. as a data operator, provides the following information on the processing of personal data:

1) Identity of the person responsible for data processing

Legal entity:
EUCOM Ltd. production, trade and services company
11070 Novi Beograd, Milutin Milankovic 25v
Company number: 17168444
VAT: 100388376
Legal representative:
Miroslav Dukić, Director

2) Legal basis for data collection and processing

The legal basis for collection and processing of personal data is the free consent of the person who, by providing his data on the website, gives consent for the collection and processing of data.
If a person registers another person and his personal data, it is the responsibility of that person to ensure that the person who is registered is aware of this information and accepts it.

3) Purpose of data collection and processing

Personal data are collected because they are needed in the process of registration, ordering and delivery of products ordered via the No special categories of data are collected or processed. The stated data will also be also used in the procedure of submitted complaint on purchased products via the website.

4) The following data are collected and processed:

  • name and surname;
  • e-mail address;
  • delivery address;
  • phone number.

5) Purpose and manner of using the data

The operator processes your personal data exclusively on the basis of your consent and the law, with the aim of:

  • execution of rights and obligations arising from the business relationship between you and the Operator in order to fulfill its contractual obligations, which specifically relate to the delivery of ordered products via the website;
  • Fulfillment of obligations prescribed by the regulations of the Republic of Serbia and the GDPR, which relate to the storage of documentation proving the existence of a contractual relationship;
  • Fulfillment of obligations prescribed by the Law on Personal Data Protection and GDPR regarding the processing of personal data.

6) Data users

Personal data in the records of registered persons on the website are used by employees who are authorized by the Operator to receive and prepare for sending the order, employees authorized to complains, as well as persons authorized to decide on complaints. These persons will be acquainted with your data only to the extent necessary to perform their duties.
The operator will provide the competent authorities, other persons and services with access to data from the records of registered persons on the website who, in accordance with the applicable regulations of the Republic of Serbia, have the right to access such data. Also, this data can be submitted by the Operator at the request sent officially by the court or other body competent for resolving disputes regarding the violation of personal data or regarding the complaint.

7) Withdrawal of consent for data processing and legal consequences of the withdrawal

You can withdraw any consent to the processing of your personal data that you have given to the Operator at any time. From that moment on, the Operator will not process your personal data based on consent, but this will not affect the lawfulness of the processing of data that was performed on the basis of consent before its withdrawal. If the data is revoked during the procedure of resolving the submitted complaint, in that case the procedure is suspended and it is considered as if the complaint was not even submitted.

8) Rights of persons in relation to data processing

The person whose data the Operator processes has the right to request from the Operator:

  • to inform him truthfully and completely about the processing of his data;
  • the right to notification, insight and/or copy of data related to him, as well as the rights based on the performed insight into the data (correction, amendment, updating, deletion of data, as well as interruption and temporary suspension of processing).

The person has the right to data deletion data in the case of:

  • that the purpose of the processing is not clearly defined;
  • that the purpose of processing has been changed and the conditions for processing for that changed purpose have not been met;
  • that the purpose of processing has been achieved, ie the data are no longer needed to achieve the purpose;
  • that the method of processing is not allowed;
  • that the data belongs to the number and type of data whose processing is disproportionate to the purpose;
  • that the data is incorrect and cannot be replaced by a correct one through correction;
  • that the data is processed without the consent or authorization based on the law and in other cases when the processing cannot be performed in accordance with the provisions of the law.

9) Unauthorized data processing

The operator will not process the data if:
the natural person has not given consent for processing, ie if the processing is performed without legal authorization;

  • for a purpose other than that for which it was determined, regardless of whether it is performed on the basis of the consent of the person or the legal authorization for processing without consent;
  • the purpose of the processing is not clearly defined, if it has been modified, not allowed or has already been achieved;
  • the person to whom the data relate is definite or identifiable and after the purpose of processing has been achieved;
  • the processing method is not allowed;
  • the data being processed is unnecessary or unsuitable for the purpose of processing;
  • the number or type of data being processed are disproportionate to the purposes of the processing;
  • the data is untrue and incomplete, ie when it is not based on a reliable source or is outdated.

10) Data storage duration

The operator keeps your personal data until the expiration of the legal retention period, ie while there is a legitimate interest in it, and for a maximum of 10 years, ie a valid consent or allowance. The operator will not keep your personal data longer than is necessary and lawful by processing them exclusively for the purposes for which he collected the data.

11) Rights of persons in case of unauthorized processing

In case of unauthorized data processing, the person has all the rights from the Law on Personal Data Protection, the implementation of which is supervised by the Commissioner for Access to Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection.

12) Data security

The operator will adequately protect personal data from misuse, destruction, loss, unauthorized changes or access, or take all necessary technical, personnel and organizational data protection measures, in accordance with established standards and procedures, which are necessary to protect from loss, destruction, unauthorized access, alteration, publication and any other abuse, as well as to establish the obligation of persons employed in processing, to maintain the confidentiality of data.

Personal data will be treated as confidential information and the Operator will take appropriate necessary measures to protect them in accordance with the regulations.

13) Contact for questions regarding the processing of personal data

The contact person for questions regarding the processing of personal data is:
Miroslav Dukic, Director
e-mail address:
phone number: 063 614035
working hours: 8 am – 4 pm during working days